
Loonatics Unleashed Epi. 6 Seas. 1 Pt. 7

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Episode 5 by LoonataniaTaushaMay

Loonatics Unleashed               Secrets of what Lies :

Episode 6.  Season 1. Part 7

(Rip and Roxy are home alone at the H.Q. Rip is tracking Chief down.)

Rip: Guys hey guys get a load of this!

Roxy: What is it Rip? Were you suppose to see Rev at the E.R.??

Rip: I know but I wanted to track down that bastard.

(Door bells rings.)

Roxy: I’ll get that. Boy I wonder who that can be.

Rip: Ok Roxy.

(Roxy opens up the door and there stood someone in a nice tuxedo with accessories with a smile on his face with a mustache like french.)

Roxy: Oh you’re here early…

Accessory Guy: (Poor scottish accent.) Well I would feel bad to keep you waiting Ms. Roxy Rose Runner. You made a phone call for a replacement of the perfume I assume??

Roxy: Oh yes yes of course. I’ll get it. (Walks by Rip.)

Rip: Who was that??

Roxy: My accessory guy.

Rip: Oh… changing the exchanging your perfume??

Roxy: Yup.

Rip: (Confused.) Huh?? But Roxy… Didn’t ya call the up just yesterday??     

Roxy: Well I guess he took an early flight to get here.

Rip: Um ok I could’ve sworn I had a phone call today stating they would be here tomorrow.

Roxy: Well maybe obviously Rippy he wanted to get it over with since you know..I heritage both of my parents fortune.

Rip: Riight…  

Roxy: Oh there it is! (Runs out and runs outside to meet the accessory.) Well here it is.

Accessory Guy: Thank you madam. So what others would you like to try??

Roxy: Hmm cotton candy, chocolate?? Vanilla. Banana, pineapple, lavender, cinnamon, ohh strawberry… hmm ah ha.. What’s this?? (Holds up Midsummer Night Dream perfume.)

Accessory Guy: Oh no no I don’t know if you’ll be interested in it but it does have a wonder smell of banana cherry. Those are good for the guys that’s if you want it with the akes them go crazy over you.

Roxy: Wow!! I would love to try this!! May I?

Accessory Guy: As you wish.

Roxy: (Sprays it and sniffs in the air with her arms in the air.) Wow… This is refreshing… (Looking drowsy.) And peaceful… (Daze smile.) Smells wonderful… I could just… (Falls in the Accessory Guy and he catches her and he covers a cloth over her face.) Oh this is nice...

Accessory Guy: It’s ok take it all in sweet heart in a restful sleep. Breath it all in. That’s a good girl. Go to a deep sleep…


Roxy: (Soft snores asleep.)

Accessory Guy: (Reveals himself as…)

Rip: Chief!?

Chief: Well ta ta Rippy… I’ll  be taking your precious girl in somewhere else.

Rip: Oh yeah!! Let her gooooooo!!!!! (Storms off a good start.)

Chief: Oh yeah punk?? I’m surprised most of you are alive except for your older brother.

Rip: (Rams into Chief.)

Chief: AAHHHH!! (Lets go of Roxy which she’s still slightly snoring lying in a awkward position.)

Rip: (Grabs Roxy) Roxy!! Roxy!! Wake up!!

Roxy: (Snores.)

Rip: Whoa… I didn’t even know you can snore like that. Roxy?

Roxy: (Smiles in her sleep.) Oh gimme everything baby… (Snores.)

Rip: Roxy!! (Roxy snores louder.) Grrr Roxy!! Wake up!! (Roxy still snoring.) Roxy!!

Roxy: (Waking up snorting.) Hmm what?? It was perfect…

Rip: Oh crud he drugged you.

Roxy: Hi lover boy (Hugging Rip.)

Chief: Grr you spoiled brat!!

Rip: Oh crud. Rox let me go.

Roxy: Ohh I looove yooou hmm hmm. (Clinging to his leg.)

Rip: I love you too but you can let me go now. AAHHH (Roxy grabs his two legs which he falls to the ground.)

Chief: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Rip: Roxy!! C’mon slap out it I have to fight the ugly coyote!!

Roxy: Oh that’s lovely Rip.


Chief: To bad to sad looks like we have to fight.

Rip: Well hang on a second ugly my girlfriend won’t seem to let go!!

Chief: (Chuckles.) Well (Takes out his robo arm and transform it as a gun.)

Rip: Oh crud!! ROXY!! Slap outta it!!! Honey!!

Roxy: Oh sweet he’s taking a picture of us. Cheese… (Passed out.)

Rip: Oh pheeww. Now you dead ugly!! (He runs at Chief.)

Chief: (Shoots at him and misses when Rip dodges his shots.) Dammit I hate this bird!!

Rip: I guess you need to work more on your aim.

Chief: Damn bastard stand still!! No wonder why my ancestor never was able to capture roadies!!

Rip: You’ll pay for what you done to my brother!! Damn bastard!! You almost killed my brother!! He’s in a coma ‘cuz of you!!

Chief: Awee brotherly love?? Ain’t it??

Rip: (His eyes glows blue. As he jumps into the air and rips through the wood and his beak to slice through the wood and using his quick speed skills he starts shooting at Chief has weapons.)Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Chief: Oh **** (he dodges all of them and Rip still continues with his rage.)

Rip: Why don’t you die you bastard!!!! GRRR AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! (Now uses his other special powers where he could manipulate his imagination to trick an opponent's mind or see what his his critical thinking is. Then he focuses on Chief. Then like his previous pass when he was possessed by the parasite of his inner darkness feelings he flies and starts manipulating and grow the grasses taller and bigger.) AFTER CHIEF!!!!

Chief: What the?? What power is that!?

Rip: YOU WILL PAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!! (Runs and rams into Chief)

Chief: Oof!! (Both are slammed into the rocks and breaking through the rocks and… Oh noo not the ladies house!!)

Old Lady: Oh you’re such a nice kitty. (Doesn’t notice the commotion in the background as Rip and Chief flies across and slams into her house and out.)

Cat: MMEEEEEOOOOOOWWWW!!! (Jumps on the old ladies head.)

Old Lady: Hey you bad old pussy cat off of me!! (Turns around and still doesn’t notice the damage. She walks in the house still doesn’t notice the fighting in the back ground.)

Cat: MEOW!!! meeeooWWWW!!

Old Lady: Oh Kilo now you stop that. I’m baking nice warm chocolate chip cookies. (Still doesn’t notices after she takes the cookies out again Chief slams into Rip and both went flying zipping through the old ladies house again and both got covered in chocolate chip cookies. She turns around.) Oh dear… Kilo you were a hungry kitty are you?? Kilo?? Where are you??

Kilo: X_X…

Old Lady: (Still doesn’t notices the damages in her house.) Well time to turn on the oven.) Well I’ll be taking a nap. (Sits in the chair and started to snoring.)

(Two couple are outside and notices their neighbors damaged house.)

Wife: Huh… Honey?? Should we call a fire department??

Husband: What do you suppose she just do??

Wife: This is why elderly people should be living in a nursing home.

(House is on fire from the oven.)

Husband: O M G!!! I’ll get her out of here!! (He runs into the house he sees the lady asleep he uses water to put the fire off then he finds a fire extinguisher to blow it out.) Mrs. Cripple!?

Mrs. Cripple: (Snoring.)

Husband: Mrs!! I have to take you out of here!! Your house was on fire!!

Mrs. Cripple: (Snorts waking up.) Huh what!? Oh that’s fine sonny…

Husband: Don’t you see your house is destroyed!?

Mrs. Cripple: (She gives him a burnt cookie.) Wanna cookie son?

Husband: (Smacks his face.) GUH!! I’m calling the fire squad!!

(Meanwhile Rip is pinned down to the ground by Chief.)


Chief: Had enough boy!?? (Pulls his arm back.)


Chief: (Chuckles.) You’re no match for me kid.

Rip: Screw you… AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Chief: 3:D Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you poor baby…You think you can have revenge for your brother? Yeah I’ll break your arm or better crush your arm, boy!! (Squeezes Rips arm.)

Rip: NOOOO AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! GGRRRRRRR(Tears coming down his eyes. Eyes glows again and made the grass longer again and wraps around Chief.) Take this!!! (Wraps it around Chief’s neck and pins Chief down to the pits)

Chief: AAAHHHHH!! OOF!!! (Is choked by the growing vines.)

Rip: (Get’s up with a hurt arm.) Ugh!! My arm!!

Chief: (Choking. Struggling to get free.)

Rip: (Panting as he walks up to Chief seeing him suffer.) Hows that Chief? How does it feel?? When you lose air and never give anyone no mercy. But you killed them anyway.

Chief: (Choking.) lose…

Rip: Why should I??


Rip: What if you’ll die before that!! (Clenches his fist and the vine blocks the airways to make Chief suffer.) I can let you suffer like this… After what you have done…I will kill you!!

Ace: (Distance) RIP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!??


Chief: (Losing breath and getting limp.)

Rip: That’s right freak die!!


Tech: (Grabs Rip) Rip stop it it’s enough you got him!! Killing him won’t make this any easier.

Rip: He deserves to die…

Chief: (Gasping for air.)

Ace: Rip… stop it!! Don’t ya think tis is too harsh?

Rip: This is what he deserves… Die and rot in Hell!!

Ace: (Smacks Rip out of it)

Rip: Huh?? Ace?? What are you doing?? I was handling him just fine.

Ace: Yeah but you would be in jail for killing him.

Rip: I’m sorry Ace.. My emotions got the best out of me…

Chief: (Still getting air into him while they’re talking.)

Tech: Rip good job for capturing him… Your arm!!

Rip: It’s nothing…

Chief: (Finally sitting up and panting.) Well not bad, Roadie… (He takes out his gun again.)

Tech: LOOK OUT!!

(All the three ran off while Chief was firing.)

Rip: I don’t understand! I use my powers to slow him down!!

Ace: Rip you almost murdered him.

Chief: COWARDS!!!! (Fires at them.)

Ace: Tech there’s three of us and one of him whattah we do?

Tech: I’ll distract him!! You two will have to figure out a way to remove his robo.

Ace: But ain’t his robotic arm attached to his body?

Tech: Yes but maybe it’ll slow him down!!

Ace: Tech be careful.

Tech: I will chief…

Ace: C’mon Rip!! Let’s Jet!!

Rip: Yes Ace!!

(Both are doing something while Tech confronts his father.)

Tech: HEY YOU!!

Chief: (fires at Tech.)

Tech: Oops missed. Oh missed again (Fires.) Ha!! Loser you always seem to have a bad aim dad!!

Chief: Stand still!!! (Fires at the rock.)

Tech: Missed again daddy-o!! (Then his father slams Tech into the boulders.) Oof!!!! (Gets multiple punches by his crazy father.)

Chief: You are a disgrace!! I raised you when you were a child!! And this is how you repay me!? Going against me!!?? I am your father!!

Tech: I have a choice!! I have chosen my own path as a Loonatic!! You chose a path another path!! To be a criminal mastermind!!!

Chief: Oh Tech. You’re just like your ma… The sensitive one…To bad you never got to know your mother.

Tech: Why did ya blame all on me!? Why dad!?

Chief: Cuz’ there was nothing else to put the blame too. She had you… And after 5 minutes you were born. She was dead…

Tech: Your a sick bastard are you!? How was I incapable of doing this!? I was juz’ a newborn! It was no ones fault!!

Chief: There is always a fault of the their own actions…

Tech: I hate you!! I really do hate you!! (Punches his father off of him as Tech runs to the boulders that were surrounding them,)

Chief: YOU JERK BASTARD!!! COME BACK HERE!! (Fires and fires his gun at the rocks above him and him not realizing what is he’s about to be in a trap.)  

Tech: (Tech stands there with his arms crossed with a grin on his face. Starts chuckling.)

Chief: What are you laughing at!!?

Tech: Oopsy by heavens father what are you doing shooting at the rocks?

Chief: What?! (Get trampled by the rocks.) AAHH!!

Tech: Phew!! ACE…RIP NOW!!!!

Ace: (Takes out his guardian sword.) Guardian Strike sword!! Do your thing!! (Strikes into the rocks to free Chief while Rip uses the vines to tie him up with.) Got cha doc!! Nice job Rip.

(Chief was knocked cold.)

Rip: Well looks like that’s one trip he has to go.

Ace, Tech and Rip :Prison (Smirking at each other.)
Holy crap!! They captured Chief!! Go Ace, Tech and Rip!! Way to go!! :D
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